World Mastercard Fashion Week / Day 4

It was truly inspiring to see all the various styles at fashion week in Toronto. Being my first fashion week, I didn’t know what to expect. I arrived at the scene with Joseph and Nico I managed to take a few photos (haven’t uploaded them yet, sorry) but honestly I had to put my camera down on numerous occasions because of the interaction with others. It was amazing being approached by photographers interested in our style. It was a great feeling knowing others appreciated our sense of style; and expressed their thoughts on our outfits. Dressing the way that we usually do, people ask us “why do you always dress up?”. To quickly elaborate on that thought: I find that dressing well is a form of politeness and presentation. Not only that, but it also projects confidence. I find that you never know who you might meet on any given day, and you might even meet a life changing individual. Because of that, it’s good to look your best, if you can, due the fact that first impressions are generally lasting impressions.

Anyways, some talented photographers managed to take a few great shots of us while there. I also had the chance to attend the Krane show, which was phenomenal. It was different seeing a studio style show as opposed to the typical runway style show. Nevertheless our whole time there was fantastic and I’m looking forward to next season’s shows.


This great shot was taken by

Despite all having different styles, we were able to look great together due to the attention we paid to detail. Certain distinct pieces on each outfit made each of us stand out.

More stand out style can be seen in this FLARE video:  and another street style shot of me:

Thanks for reading!

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