Dealing with Allergies in the Fall | In Partnership with Reactine Canada

This sponsored post was done in partnership with Reactine Canada.

We’re approaching Fall now – and while that means slightly cooler weather and more options for dressing better, it also marks the start of another allergy season. Some of us are not prone to allergies, while others – like myself – well, not so much.

Luckily, the worst of my allergies have subsided (spring/summer is the worst for me), but over the past few years, I’ve experienced fall allergies as well – which means I really can’t catch a break.

But I wasn’t allergic to anything before…

When I did my allergy test about 5 years ago, I was happy to know that I wasn’t allergic to anything. That also happened to be around the time when I started living downtown, which meant that I being exposed to different allergens than when I lived in the suburbs. Things I noticed that started irritating me when I lived downtown are the persistent dust on my balcony; which never goes away no matter how often I clean it – which I ultimately think has caused me to partially develop some dust allergies (my hypothesis).

And being downtown, it’s inevitable to find yourself being outside partaking in all the great things this city has to offer. I’m sure I’m not the only one – obviously – but as a content creator and full-time worker, I have to constantly move around from place to place, whether it’s to the office or to a shoot or an event, you just have to be outside to get to those places. And when you’re out and about, you’re prone to being exposed to various elements, so if you’re like me and suffer from allergies, there’s a good chance you’ll come in contact with a trigger.

How I manage my Fall allergies

I remember when I was growing up, my dad always experienced seasonal allergies, and as I’ve mentioned before in a previous post, he would always count on Reactine to help him feel better. It became a household name, and eventually it became the product I turned to when I began suffering from seasonal allergies.

My personal favourite are the extra strength tablets – they get the job done very easily since I can take one and it lasts for 24 hours. It’s a product that you can count on due to the speedy relief it provides; and sometimes I find myself not needing to take anymore the following day.

One of my favourite things about fall that I mentioned before is the fashion and what you can do with your outfits, but what I’ve learned is that pollen and ragweed can stick to clothing. So I have tried to take extra care of my sweaters, jackets and fall accessories by washing them regularly to remove the pollen, which I find has helped. With that in mind, it never hurts to take the extra step to keep yourself feeling healthy. Allergies can be tough to deal with, but with the right approach, you’ll be all set to tackle this fall allergy season.

Read more about Reactine here if you’d like to understand the product better. You can also pick up Reactine right here from Amazon, or at any drug store convenient for you.

#SufferNoMore #AllergyFeels

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