Easy Ways to Indulge at the Weekend without Gaining Weight

If you are trying to stay fit, then there is a high chance that you watch what you eat. You will calorie-count and monitor your intake as much as possible. This is great, but sometimes you do just need to let yourself go. If you don’t, then you won’t be as likely to succeed, and you may even find it difficult to stick to your diet in the future. If you want to get around this then you can easily indulge without gaining weight.

If you Play- You Pay

If you have had an overly-indulgent meal, then make sure that you pair it with a very indulgent workout! You could have a very short and hard session, otherwise known as HIIT or you could even go on a long walk with the family. If you want to make things even more effective, then you can have a hard workout before your meal. This will help your metabolism and it will also help you to burn calories at a much faster and more efficient rate.

Get the Whole Family Involved

Exercise doesn’t need to be sweaty and hard work. Get the kids and start a game in the backyard. Sometimes this can really help you to burn off a few treats and you can even think about going out on a bike ride. This is a great way for you to spend time with the whole family and it is really great for your health as well. If you aren’t sure if this is for you then there are plenty of other things that you can do, but the bottom line is the more you can get your family involved, the better.

Choose One

Really take the time to think about what you want to eat. Is it cheese on crackers, or the sticky

toffee pudding? Sure, you’d probably like both but if you can, you need to make sure that you choose one or the other. When you do this, you can then really lower your calories without compromising your meal choice. If you do want to choose one, then opt for a lower calorie option if possible. For example, instead of drinking beer, think about drinking white wine instead. It is better for you and you can even buy white wine online if you want.

Never Arrive Feeling Hungry

If you are super hungry when you arrive at a party then you will probably gravitate towards the

buffet table. You will also probably eat far more than you should as well. This can have a really detrimental effect on your fitness regime, so to avoid this, eat a very healthy meal before you arrive at the party. When you do this, you can then really help yourself and you can also stop any hunger cravings when you arrive. You will be able to make much better decisions and you will also be able to avoid adding too many calories to your meal. This is a great tip that will really help you when you are out socialising at events.

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